The world of NFTs has exploded in recent years, with digital asset, but the use cases for NFTs may very soon extend in an important way beyond the digital realm and into the ownership of physical assets.

Traditionally, ownership of physical assets such as real estate, art, and collectibles has been recorded using paper-based documents such as deeds, titles, and certificates of authenticity. These documents are often easily lost or forged, and their verification can be time-consuming and expensive. NFTs, on the other hand, offer a secure and immutable way to verify ownership of physical assets.

Imagine a world where every piece of valuable real estate, artwork, or collectible is represented by an NFT. This would provide a digital record of ownership that is easily verifiable and cannot be tampered with. It would also make buying and selling these assets much easier, as ownership could be transferred with a simple transaction on the blockchain.

NFTs could also provide a way to fractionalize ownership of physical assets. This would allow multiple investors to own a portion of an asset, such as a painting or a building, without the need for a complex legal structure. Fractional ownership could make owning high-value assets more accessible to a wider range of investors, and could also provide a way for owners to liquidate their holdings more easily.

This is at the basis of our SANCTUM IN NATURE project, where we are just a little bit ahead of the times in offering co-ownership of real assets, in our case landmark Art as Architecture property, in a pro-nature project accessible to all.

Another potential use case for NFTs in the ownership of physical assets is in the lending and borrowing of assets. A borrower could use an NFT representing an asset as collateral for a loan, with the lender able to verify the ownership and value of the asset using the blockchain. This could make lending and borrowing more secure and efficient, as the lender would have a clear record of ownership and could easily transfer ownership in the event of default.

While there are still many challenges to overcome in using NFTs for the ownership of physical assets, the potential benefits are clear. NFTs offer a secure and immutable way to verify ownership, and could make buying, selling, and lending assets much easier and more efficient. As the technology behind NFTs continues to develop, it’s possible that they could become the major financial instrument used for ownership of physical assets.

Are you going to reap the benefits of being amongst the first to capitalise on this unique opportunity? We hope many of you do, to lead the way to the many great opportunities this reality can offer.


The Unchain Gang Team

Photo by Nipan Chawcharernpon a great big thanks to him!